Showing posts with label Heartland Community Theatre of Clinton. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Heartland Community Theatre of Clinton. Show all posts

La Rue Out of the Blue.

As a one-man band, for the most part, marketing my play scripts to theater groups here, there and
everywhere has rewarded me with various productions of my work across the country for the last ten years. This involves soliciting organizations one by one by way an initial query with information about the play or plays in question, sending them a script if I get through the first obstacle and then playing the waiting game when I check my e-mail daily with all appendages crossed pleading "Pleasepleasepleaseplease..." 

Last year, I received a reply from the Heartland Community Theatre of Clinton in Clinton, Missouri, one of the best responses I've ever received. It was a rave review, extremely enthusiastic about whichever script I submitted and, to make it even better, a request to send them anything else of mine. What did you think I would do? I sent two more, both of them also given very positive assessments along with the best comment of all: that heartland would love to produce these shows when they could fit it into their schedule. I was over the moon. A trifecta? What? Widdle ol' me? This all played havoc with my fragile ego and my natural tendency to being emotionally needy and insecure, but it sure perked me up for awhile. Well, time passed and when I didn't hear back from HCT, I figured they did too, so I moved on. I've had enough experience with the process as all writers do, but not enough to cry into my pillow (not very much anyway). 

I try to follow up with whatever organization I submit my scripts, not to the point of harassment. No answer is usually responsible by itself. However, a couple of weeks back, I gave it a shot and contacted Heartland Community Theatre after a year's time to perhaps get an answer one way or the other. A reaction like the one they gave me just couldn't be ignored. I'll be goldurned if they didn't reply within the frickin' hour! Apparently, the show they had scheduled fell through and a replacement was chosen: LARUE'S RETURN or HOW'S A BAYOU?, a comic melodrama by Edward Thorpe and this guy right here. To make it even sweeter? They wanted to go into production STAT and on the boards next month. The quickest deal I ever made. Therefore, LARUE'S RETURN will play three performances Oct. 11, 12 and a matinee on the 13th at the Heartland Community Theatre of Clovis. 

The magic continues. This production officially makes LA RUE'S RETURN the most popular title in my catalogue. (Yes, I have a catalogue. Don't be snotty. Check out the link below if you don't believe me) 

My best friend writing partner and brother Edward Thorpe AKA Max would be as proud as I am right now. He's probably smiling down upon me and thinking of a way he can flick my ear with his finger just for laughs.

Thanks, HCT and break a leg!

Performance rights for LA RUE'S RETURN are $40 per performance with all script fees waived to allow theaters to copy as many as they require from a PDF after a written contract. To receive a FREE PERUSAL SCRIPT, please contact, me, Scott Cherney at:

You can also read a free excerpt from this or other titles in the aforementioned catalogue of Cherney scripts including a pair of interactive murder mysteries on my website: