Showing posts with label holidays. Show all posts
Showing posts with label holidays. Show all posts

Seasons Greetings From Me to Thee

Being the master marketer of my own work that I am, I have chosen NOT to put in a hard sell for my books or plays this holiday season. I'll include a couple of links at the bottom, but that's about it.

Instead, I would like to direct you over to my other blog, Scott Cherney's Etc., for a look at a collection of my Xmas themed posts all collected on one page HAPPY HOLIDAZE

Included in this collection are some Christmas movie recommendations, a rant 'n rave about the supposed War on Christmas, some delightful anecdotes about the season as well an exciting action-adventure in a snowstorm. Top that off with a charming tale of a trip to see my family when I re-discover the true meaning of this greatest of all possible holidays.

Hope you enjoy them. While you're on the site, check out a few of my other posts as well. You might find something you like.

As I say every year at this time, no matter what holiday you acknowledge or even if you follow any at all, do yourself a big favor and celebrate something. Why the heck not? Be good to each other and for goodness sake, be good to yourselves. 

Happy Holidays from all of us to all of you

See you next year!